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PV recycling with reiling

Highly specialized solutions are required for efficient and unmixed separation of the installed, firmly connected components of a photovoltaic module.

As a certified primary treatment plant (ElektroG), Reiling PV-Recycling is able to meet the highest standards in the separation of materials by type with the help of a mechanical recycling process and state-of-the-art sorting technologies. The disused PV modules are first shredded before the individual recyclable materials are sorted separately. As a result, high-quality recyclates, such as glass (main component), are recovered as secondary raw materials. Other components, such as aluminum, are also optimally recycled and can then be used in various industries to manufacture new products. Reiling PV-Recycling is also constantly working on and researching the optimization of the recycling process in order to further improve the quality of the fractions. The end products are glass (fine grain), silicon, glass (coarse grain), busbars (tinned copper) and aluminum.

Source: Reiling Group of Companies (2023),, 14.12.2023

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